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Related article: results of Gourko*s fighting in the Balkan passes; he, a mere independent individual, outstrip- ping by twenty-four hours official couriers and aides-de-camp. He was the first to bring the intelli- gence of the victory at Ulundi to Pietermaritzburg, and on each occasion he dared and endured more than it is given to most men to be able to dare and endure. We have said that Mr. Forbes deliberately encountered the chances of a battle-field in a more systematic way than any of his predecessors, but he did much more than that to secure pre- eminence as a war correspondent. It was a matter of remark and astonishment during the early part of the war of 1870-71, that the Daily News was able to publish a full and sparkling account of each great military event almost immediately after its occurrence and long before any other journal had received despatches from its agents in the field. The man who had discovered how this was to be done was Korean Red Ginseng Extract Mr. Forbes, and he has put his system in practice in all the Korean Ginseng Panax Ginseng many wars Buy Ginseng whose course he has chronicled. Instead of trusting his communications to slower and more uncertain means of carriage, after seeing and not- ing all the events of a great crisis, he at once started for the nearest telegraph station on neutral ground or outside the immediate influ- ences of war Korean Ginseng Panax time and, establishing himself in the office, wrote his account and passed sheet by sheet as it was finished to the operator for transmission along the wires. It was in order to reach the nearest telegraph sta- tion that he made the tnarvelloos journeys to which vre have re- ferred above, passing through countries bristhng with dangers and encountering the Korean Red Ginseng Gold extremes of fatigue, exposure and want of food. Few people can appreciate thoroughly the splendid mental and physical powers displayed bj a man who could follow closely the fortunes of Panax Ginseng Extractum a Growing American Ginseng long and hotly- contested engagement or series Red Panax Ginseng Extract of engagements, then ride, on such rough animals as he might pro- cure, perhaps fifty to a hundred miles, and, still unrepK>sed, pro- vide a minutely detailed page of history to be read at London breakfast-tables on the following morning. Of course the use of the telegraph in the fashion begun by Mr. Panax Ginseng Root Extract Forbes is now the com- monplace of war correspondence, but no one has ever yet excelled the services which he did for Red Ginseng Tea the Daily News and few, very few men have gone nigh to equal them. It has been noted that the re- presentatives of newspapers share in the toils, dangers and hard- ships of the campaigns which they attend and this is particularly the case in English frontier wars when small columns Korean Red Panax Ginseng have to fight their way through desert wUds with the certainty of almost irre- trieveable disaster in case of defeat. Wherever a war corre- spondent goes, however, when armies are in the field, he carries his life in his hand and the press- men have paid a heavy toll in death from shot and steel, from hardship and sickness, while at the post of duty. Pemberton was killed in France, McGahan while he was accompanying the Russian armies, Cameron and Herbert at Abu Kru, and Garrett died in the Soudan. The world was the poorer by What Is The Best Ginseng the loss of gallant and capable men. But when one falls or is disabled there are numbers 1897.] WAR CORRESPONDENTS. 295 of adventurous spirits ready and eager to take the vacant place and it may safely be said that there is no department of journal- ism so popular as that which takes men to a campaign and places them where their pens may be employed in recording the ex- citing events of the battle-field. We have mentioned casually the names of many Korean Panax Ginseng distinguished and able men, but the name oc- curs to us of one who united in himself so many qualifications that he probably was the most brilliant war correspondent who ever undertook the metier. The few letters that Korean Red Ginseng Panax Ginseng he wrote did not attract all the attention they de- served, for, at the time he wrote them, the daily papers were, so flooded with accounts of battles, marches, sieges and camps, that perforce, only a very cursory glance was given to each. Law- rence Oliphant was employed for a time by a great journal, during the Franco- Prussian War, and his work was more or less swamped in the tide of correspondence that poured in Korean Ginseng Extract from every scattered contingent of the vast armies which Chinese Panax Ginseng were in the field. No man, however, who ever under- took to record passing events, was more thoroughly equipped for the work than he. One of the most powerful writers who ever used the English language, a profound thinker, a traveller who knew men and cities probably more and better than any contemporary, possessing a peculiar knack of in- spiring confidence in everyone whom he encountered, from mon- archs to crossing - sweepers, known by everyone, liked by everyone, a courtier, a diplomat, a man of action, he lacked nothing but professional training in mili- tary matters and even that want was supplied by the extraordi- narily receptive faculty of his mind, which seemed ever to adapt itself intuitively to the par- ticular subject on which it was at any time bent. An adventurous wanderer, he was at home in all surroundings and he yielded to nobody in What Is Ginseng Good For his ability to arrive at the inwardness of things, whatever their nature, how unusual so ever they might be. What he did and his method of doing it Red Ginseng Gold is best told by himself in his delightful ac- count of the " Experiences of a War Correspondent," which was, we think, first published in Black- wood's Magazine and has since heen included in '' Traits and Travesties,*' one of the most amusing and withal philosophic books in the English language. If Lawrence Oliphant had re- Red Ginseng Extract mained in the field during the whole of the war and had gathered together afterwards his notes and letters, we should have been in possession of a work that would have held more of deep thought, more accurate reasoning, historical accuracy and lucid description than any that has been published on the subject. People who read newspaper accounts of the progress of Korean Ginseng Capsule cam- paigns should not allow them- selves to have entire confidence in the accuracy of every statement which they there find with regard to purely military matters. Th correspondents who have written these accounts, however capable and experienced, may be and in- deed generally are quite correct as to broad facts, such as dates, localities and the general result of operations. But even they must inevitably be ignorant of many